What is Waste Less Windsor?

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Waste Less Windsor (WLW) is a group of businesses, service organizations, and the Town of Windsor that have come together to help the Windsor community promote better recycling, sustainability, and the reduction of landfill waste. We do this through education and volunteering.

Waste Less Windsor Volunteer Task Force Team (picture from Summer 2019)

WLW is the major force for the Town of Windsor to help the attendees at the concerts, Thursdays, June 1 – August 31, 2023, 5pm-8pm, go green! We’ll be there to help!

Volunteers have come from Windsor High School Committee for Change, the Leadership Team, Boys Basketball, and other groups. In addition, volunteers come from the community, businesses, and various service groups, like Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions!

At the Summer Nights on the Green, Waste Less Windsor is a group of volunteers who help concertgoers recycle correctly — recycle in a manner where the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill – the gray disposal cans – is minimized. WLW volunteers care about how recycling is done and want to contribute to getting it right through education! We usually can maintain about a 70% diversion rate, which means 70% of the stuff goes to recycling or compost, without a lot of contamination.

So, June 2023 through September 2023, at the Summer Nights on the Green Concerts, a team of Waste Less Windsor Recycling Helpers (Volunteers) will be at our booth at the concerts and near the colored recycling bins throughout the Town Green to help the attendees recycle their cups and food ware correctly.

Read about us in Soconews.com.

See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information on what we do at the events on the Town Green.

Questions? Click here for FAQ – or Call JB Leep – 707-403-8100

Members of Waste Less Windsor include or have included (partial list):

  • Windsor Lions Club
  • Rotary Club of Windsor
  • Windsor Chamber of Commerce
  • Town Green Merchants Association
  • Zero Waste Sonoma
  • Town of Windsor
  • Sonoma County Resource Recovery
  • Conservation Corps of the North Bay
  • Citizens of Windsor

As a concertgoer in Windsor, here is how you can help:

  • Get one of our WLW steel cups for a discount on beer, wine, and drinks!
  • Dispose trash and other items in the appropriate receptacle – the signs on the trash cans answer most questions — ask a Volunteer if you have tough questions! 
  • Pack it in – Pack it out! 
  • Sign Up to volunteer – be a WLW Recycling Helper!

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.

This year, beverage vendors at the Summer Concerts on the Green June-September will be refilling our custom Waste Less Windsor Cups (available at our booth), for a $1 discount to encourage you not to use single-use plastic cups. Most vendors will give the discount for your own reusable cup. Make a donation of any amount and choose a free cup.

The Waste Less Windsor Cups
Available in 16-oz (for beer, margaritas, and drinks) and 10-oz (for wine)