Last summer, for the first time ever at the concerts, there were no single-use plastic cups given out! Only aluminum cups which are fully recyclable and reusable. By donating, you will help offset the extra cost incurred by the vendors to make this happen! Whether you contribute $1 or $1,000, every donation counts and helps the cause!
Click to Donate Now

This has been expensive effort for the beverage vendors: Rotary, Lions, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis and SOMOS. Aluminum cups cost about 40 cents more each, totaling as much as $5,000 in just a year. Nonetheless, the vendors have committed to phasing out single-use plastic cups and replacing them with completely recyclable and reusable aluminum cups.
Of course, you can participate in this effort by volunteering to help us with recycling. Or you can donate!
Please donate $5, $10, $100, or more. We need about $3,000 to pay for the extra cost!
All funds raised in this effort will go directly towards the immediate costs of cups, and towards the cost of future efforts to eliminate single-use or non-recyclable products. Help WLW help the environment, please!
When you donate, we will list your name or logo on our front page, and we will acknowledge your contribution with unique gifts, such as our Commemorative Steel Cups, water bottles and tee shirts (see below).
But any amount will help the cause, so contribute what you are comfortable with.
Th Concert-goers get a discount when they bring back their metal cups to use again for refills, further reducing waste! So, use and keep your aluminum and classic WLW steel cups!
Fill out the form below to Donate by Credit Card or Bank Card. Or Click Here to print a form to mail in a check.
Waste Less Windsor is a DBA of Waste Less Alliance Inc, a 501(c)(3) Charity Fed ID# 88-0762915. Donations are fully deductible to the extent of the law.
The Waste Less Windsor Story
Waste Wess Windsor was formed as a Task Force for the Town of Windsor five years ago. WLW volunteers are primarily from Windsor High School Leadership classes and the Council for Change Club.
Volunteers help attendees sort recyclables like cans and bottles and compostables such as pizza boxes and leftover food containers. This has reduced the amount of waste that goes in the landfill by up to 70%. This achievement directly helps combat greenhouse gases and saves valuable resources.
Another effort to help reduce waste is promoting the use of reusable cups instead of single use plastic cups. A few years ago, steel metal cups were introduced at Summer Nights on the Green, and we demonstrated that we could switch away from single-use plastic, keeping about 10,000 plastic cups out of the garbage.
Finally, this year, we switched over to new aluminum cups which stopped the disposal of single-use cups completely.
To acknowledge your donation, we will put your name or logo on our website, or send you a unique gift, as described below.
- Any amount, you’ll be acknowledged on the front page of our website, including your logo if desired.
- $100 and over, same website recognition, plus a set of four commemorative steel Waste Less Windsor cups, two 10-ounce (wine size) and two 16 ounce. (If you prefer, four 10-ounce). Quantities are limited.
- $500 and over, a matching set of eight 10-ounce (wine size) commemorative steel Waste Less Windsor cups. Perfect for your recycling-conscious patio party!
For any donation $100 and over, we will also provide an aluminum water bottle and a WLW tee-shirt if you would like.

Thanks so much for donating to Waste Less Windsor!